Time to reshore? Focus on resilient supply chains has one manufacturer pivoting to fill a need

It’s no secret that supply chains have gone haywire. Especially with recent news of B.C. flooding and ongoing rainstorms expected to hit the west coast this week, consumers and businesses alike are expected to wait much longer than normal for raw goods and products being shipped from the Vancouver port.

Molded Precision Components (MPC) is an auto parts manufacturer in the plastics industry that has pivoted to focus on automotive companies looking to create a more domestic supply chain and avoid these aforementioned costly delays.

When the pandemic first hit, Molded Precision Components pivoted to providing an emergency supply of face shields and sanitizers, accelerating their medical manufacturing capabilities.

President of Molded Precision Components, David Yeamon, was clear when asked about cost-concerns manufacturers might have when it comes to reshoring.

“The cost of shipping is also way higher now,” says David. “There’s an uncertainty in costs and uncertainty in delivery dates, so having a cheaper option abroad is misleading when you can’t deliver. What’s the cost in not being able to deliver?”

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